While pockets of contradiction surely remain, there is no denying that overall confidence and optimism in the A/E marketplace is gaining momentum. In fact, according to the latest Quarterly Market Trends (QMT) report from PSMJ Resources, Inc., firm leaders haven’t been this confident going into a second quarter since 2007.
Since 2003, PSMJ has surveyed A/E firm leaders on a quarterly basis regarding what they are seeing in the marketplace. The survey queries respondents on conditions in a variety of markets and submarkets as well as overall health of revenue, backlog, and proposal activity. Among other things, the latest survey looks at revenue projections for the second quarter of 2011 and shows that 56% of firm leaders expect second quarter revenue to be up from the first quarter. This is the highest percentage of respondents forecasting growth in a second quarter since 70% had the same outlook in 2007.
The following table details the performance of this key metric over the past seven years:
Percentage of QMT Respondents Projecting
Revenue Growth in Next Three-Month Period

“This latest QMT data is quite encouraging and validates what we are hearing from a wide range of firm leaders.” states Gregory Hart, a consultant with PSMJ. “Now is the time to get in front of this recovery with aggressive marketing and business development efforts as well as broader strategic planning for growth. Particularly some of the energy and environmental markets and others with good long-term fundamentals are showing a lot of resiliency. Forward-thinking firm leaders are jumping on this and positioning for growth. ”
To learn more about PSMJ’s QMT or to participate in the next survey, call 800.537.PSMJ. Subscribers to PSMJ’s namesake monthly newsletter receive the full QMT report in their mailbox each quarter. This report includes our take on the latest movements as well as data broken out into key market and geographic segments. To keep your finger on the pulse of recovery in the A/E space, visit www.psmj.com and subscribe to PSMJ today!
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