The demands placed on today's project managers are
growing exponentially. To remain on the cutting edge, or even maintain your
competitiveness, you've got to learn new concepts and master both new and
traditional management techniques.
Why? Today's professional service firm has moved into the
mainstream of business. The market forces that apply to Apple and Wal-Mart now
apply to you. The seemingly protected world in which professional design and
environmental services once worked is gone, and professional ethics and
technical competence will not protect you from cutthroat competition. It's time
to move on and raise your personal bar to a new height.
Best time to call a contractor………...
Best time to call a client……………..
Best time to run a meeting…………..
Best day to hold meetings…………...
Best time to do manpower planning...
Best day to mail invoices……………
23rd of the month (to get paid by the 1st)
Best time to open mail………………
Best time to eat with clients…………
At breakfast
Best meeting format…………………
Standup meetings
Best way to control meetings………..
Take meeting minutes yourself
Best position among six firms competing in a presentation…………
Best form of contract………………..
Lump‑sum, with a well defined scope
Best employee……………………….
One who initiates action
Best length of workday……………...
9 hours maximum
Best day to avoid interruptions……...
Best time to get things done…………
Before office hours
Best way to avoid conflict…………..
Straight communication
Best title on a business card…………
None at all
Best time to fire someone……………
Best project manager………………...
One who instructs team daily
That's 20. What's the 21st?