Monday, October 15, 2012

PSMJ Tips: Clean Up your Marketing Material for the New Year

Admit it! You’ve been intending to purge and reorganize your marketing materials for years. As the end of 2012 looms and the beginning of 2013 is around the corner, resolve to clean up your marketing materials to start the New Year off right.

• Make your printed collateral material look like your website. Nothing conveys an image of consistency like having all of your publicity obey a single theme. 

• Clean up resumes. Do any employees have new degrees or new professional registrations? If you use photos, have employees undergone a “makeover” and need a new photo inserted? 

• Clean up project descriptions. Do you have project write-ups that show photos of the work under construction? Is the project now complete? Can you get photos of the completed project? If so, add them in… better yet, make a progressive collage showing the site, the facility during construction, and then upon completion. 

• Clean up news items. Has your website gotten stale with news that’s months old? Look at your site as if you were an outsider or perhaps a client… and see how it conveys your image. 

• Add new services or services that have expanded. Have you added a new service line or expanded an existing line? 

• Make sure office locations, contact information is current? Does a location have a new phone number? If so, be sure your material is updated to reflect these changes. 

• Update the quality of your photo library to get higher resolution photos, especially of your capstone projects. 

• Organize your photo library. You shouldn’t spend hours searching for project photos you’ve used a hundred times. Assuming your image library is digital (which it should be!), find a robust photo organization software application that allows you to easily tag and search for photos. 
Start the New Year off right with a fresh update on your marketing materials. This is a great way to spend those slow – sometimes unbillable – hours during the holiday season. Attend one of PSMJ’s Win Work Now: Three 1-Day Business Development Programs for more vital information on how to effectivly approach business development in the new year!

Recharge your Business Development Program by actively participating in these highly focused, targeted programs in the three key Business Development areas - Business Development Strategies, Winning Proposals, and Powerful Presentations. This fall, PSMJ is providing 3 locations all across North America and Canada to give your whole firm the tools and confidence you need to succeed in bringing in more work for the firm. Register today!

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