Monday, November 21, 2011

20 Musts of A Successful Presentation

Frank Stasiowski, FAIA, founder of PSMJ Resources, Inc., offers the following “cardinal rules” for creating a surefire presentation:

1. Plan, structure, dry run, and analyze presentations before inflicting them on potential clients.
2. Research clients and their projects thoroughly before outlining your presentation.
3. Determine early on who the decision makers are.
4. Select the presentation team carefully. No one should be on the team if he/she cannot make a significant contribution to the presentation.
5. Relate everything possible in the presentation to the client’s interests and the specific project.
6. Come up with at least one “competitive differential” or unique selling proposition for your firm.
7. Thoroughly prepare all audiovisuals and written media.
8. Check out the presentation room in advance of the interview whenever possible.
9. Find out the composition of the interview committee.
10. Dress appropriately.
11. Ensure a good introduction to the client interview team by preparing it yourself.
12. Strive for honesty.
13. Be brief. Be aware of time constraints and make your important points within the allotted time.
14. Encourage discussion and participation by all present.
15. Anticipate questions and have a plan for answering them.
16. Have one member of your team act as a recorder during the presentation to note important points and questions raised by the panel.
17. Use examples and case histories.
18. Prepare for contingencies and emergencies. Stay flexible throughout the presentation.
19. Remember: clients have every reason to relate the way you handle an interview to how you would handle their project.
20. Close by politely asking for the job.

Learn more about how to make successful presentations to ensure you win the job every time at PSMJ’s Winning Proposals and Presentations seminar. Our last 2 seminars in 2011 are still open and being held in Atlanta December 1-2 and in Las Vegas December 8-9. Get the tools and confidence you need to succeed in bringing in more work for the firm – register today!

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