Monday, August 8, 2011

Don’t Skip the Editing Phase!

As a last step in the proposal-writing process, read every single word meticulously and check for errors, omissions and inconsistencies. Don’t rely solely on word-processing programs, as they don’t always catch words that are similar with different meanings, such as “there” and “their.” Copy edit each page.

Review every proposal with the following tips in mind:

• Proof only one line at a time by holding blank paper over the rest of the text.

• Read everything straight through from beginning to end, including all titles.

• Read the pages out of order as an alternate check.

• Check changes in typefaces, such as headlines and sub-heads.

• Double-check references to charts or other sections, to verify their location.

• Scrutinize features that come in sets, such as quotation marks and brackets.

• Check that you have capitalized the same words throughout and that you are consistant in names and places.

Remember, your proposal is a reflection of your firm…if you can’t even be bothered to spell-check your proposal, why would they think you’d be any more careful with their $30M project? Making sure your proposal is correct is just one of the ways you can show your prospective client you are the firm for them. Join PSMJ this fall for our Winning Proposals and Presentations seminar, coming to 5 locations across North America. Get the tools and confidence you need to succeed in bringing in more work for the firm – register today!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! The editing phase is key.

    This reminded me of a quote from a recent blog post where we interviewed Anne Crowe Kroger, MBA, FSMPS, CPSM. She said, "We don’t see our own mistakes whether they’re in a promotional item or a proposal. It’s too familiar to us. Always get a second set of eyes to proof everything before it goes to print."
