Monday, April 25, 2011

5 Reasons Why You Need A BD Plan

Does your firm have a Business Development Plan?

If so, does it really work? Is it complete and functional? Do you point to it with pride as you interview potential staff members? Does your Board of Directors consult your plan and use it for benchmarking? If your answers to any of these questions is a resounding “No,” then this issue is intended for you. And if your answers are all an enthusiastic “Yes,” then this issue can give you an alternate way to consider as you update your plan.

Your firm needs a robust BD plan for many reasons:

1. A BD plan drives your entire business development program.

2. Developing the right business from the right clients drives your entire business plan… and your success.

3. The BD plan allows you to benchmark your operation throughout the year, and take corrective action where necessary.

4. The BD plan enables you to measure individual staff members’ success in developing new and expanded business opportunities, and take corrective action where necessary.

5. In firms with multiple offices, the BD plan provides a measure of continuity of mission and approach among the offices.

Now that you know you need one, do you want to know how to craft the best Business Development plan you can? Give ALL your firm members the skills to create and follow your BD plan to bring in new work and persuade current clients to give you more. Register now for PSMJ’s 2011 A/E/C Marketing Bootcamp: THE Program On How To Get And Keep Clients. This spring, PSMJ is providing 5 locations all across North America to give your whole firm the tools and confidence you need to succeed in bringing in more work for the firm. Click here for more information.

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