Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What It Takes to Make Your Staff More Productive

If your firm wants to compete more aggressively in its market sector, then you’ll need to develop a sense of ownership in your staff— a sense of really being part of the business and knowing how their part affects the outcome. In two words…Employee Engagement.

To do this in your firm most likely requires a culture change. Why? Because imbuing a sense of ownership means that your staff needs to understand the business, which means knowing more about its internal systems. To make this happen, principals and partners would need to:

  • Communicate more frequently and thoroughly with staff about the numbers that drive the business.
  • Give people a much more comprehensive insight into the big picture and how each employee fits into it.
  • Go out of their way to instill pride in everyone (not just technical staff).
  • Become better coaches and more effective listeners.

These steps would only be the beginning. It takes commitment to change a culture. Such a change would mean tearing down walls that convey a “me and them” mentality. With strong, long-term leadership, all of this and more is doable.

Want to know more about engaging your employees and becoming more successful in the industry? Learn new ideas and share Best Practices with other A/E/C HR colleagues and leaders at PSMJ's Annual Human Resources Summit in Orlando, FL, March 16-18, 2011.

The A/E/C Industry Human Resources Summit is a senior level HR event specifically designed to address the increasing needs and demands of senior leaders of HR, as well as other key executives who deal with the critical employee and firm issues on a daily basis. Through panel discussions and best practices presentations, you learn through examining successful real-life case studies, receive A/E/C survey results, while networking and asking your peers for their proven solutions to problems just like yours.

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