Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Burt Hill announces layoffs

Tough news came out this morning that Burt Hill had laid off 18 percent of its workforce in the United Arab Emirates. Burt Hill had designed a motor-racing theme park there, but cut its workforce as the global credit crisis had forced property developers to unload employees and delay projects. According to Bloomberg News, Burt Hill cut staff at its Dubai operation by 111 people. One insider told me this afternoon, "Layoffs are becoming old news, aren't they? Sad news." Indeed.



  1. Firms like Burt Hill are now unfortunately being run by incompetant management that is so short sighted ever since the original principals of the firm (Burt, Hill, Kosar, and Rittelmann) all retired a few years back. These gentlemen had visions for the firm and had a belief that they should be head and shoulders above and beyond the rest of the competition. They were, but once these gentlemen retired, the next in line took over and are running the firm into the ground. No surprise to hear this news. More layoffs by Burt Hill are coming even after Dubai's layoffs.

  2. This is to the previous comment by 'anonymous'.

    Please do not pretend to know what you are talking about. The principals who are currently steering Burt Hill through this economic crisis are those same professionals who "had visions for the firm and had a belief that they should be head and shoulders above and beyond the rest of the competition,”. The original principals of the company retired decades ago. In this time the current principals have opened numerous offices and expanded the company in smart and responsible fashion, taking on interesting and noteworthy projects such as the Noisette development. Having worked for Burt Hill, I know all this information to be true.

    No architecture company is having an easy time with the economic crisis because most of the projects that they have been working on have run out of money.
